Tutorial : Iklan Churp-churp Tergantung Di Tepi Blog

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.log in>add gadget>html/java script.

.copy and paste code kat bawah ney di html/java script ..

<style type='text/css'>a.linkopacity img {filter:alpha(opacity=50);-moz-opacity: 0.5;opacity: 0.5;-khtml-opacity: 0.5;}
a.linkopacity:hover img {filter:alpha(opacity=100);-moz-opacity: 1.0;opacity: 1.0;-khtml-opacity: 1.0; }</style>
<div style='display:scroll; position:fixed; top:140px; left:-12px;'>

<a class='linkopacity' href="URL CHURP-CHURP/SAYS.COM/DLL" imageanchor='1' rel='nofollow' style='margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;' target='_blank' title='rahsia'><img border="0" src="URL GAMBAR IKLAN" ;width=50px height=50px /></a><br /> 

<a class='linkopacity' href="URL CHURP-CHURP/SAYS.COM/DLL" imageanchor='1' rel='nofollow' style='margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;' target='_blank' title='rahsia'><img border="0" src="URL GAMBAR IKLAN" ;width=50px height=50px /></a><br />  

<<a class='linkopacity' href="URL CHURP-CHURP/SAYS.COM/DLL" imageanchor='1' rel='nofollow' style='margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;' target='_blank' title='rahsia'><img border="0" src="URL GAMBAR IKLAN" ;width=50px height=50px /></a><br /> 

<a class='linkopacity' href="URL CHURP-CHURP/SAYS.COM/DLL" imageanchor='1' rel='nofollow' style='margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;' target='_blank' title='rahsia'><img border="0" src="URL GAMBAR IKLAN" ;width=50px height=50px /></a><br /> 

.tekan save ..dan siap!!

macam mane nak amek URL CHURP-CHURP/SAYS.COM/DLL nie?

mula-mula klik sini lepas tue klik Reward..nampak tak?

done klik Reward  lepas tue ikut step macam gambar di bawah nie..

  klik yang pulak lepas tue copy code yang ada dalam tue..

gantikan code tersebut dekat URL CHURP-CHURP/SAYS.COM/DLL ini..

kalau URL GAMBAR IKLAN pulak..klik Reward jugak lepas tue nampak gambar iklan tue kan..

okay lepas tue sila ikut step seperti dibawah ini ea..

done copy?? okay gantikan URL GAMBAR IKLAN dengan code yang korang copy tadi...

preview dulu kalau dah jadi save terus..

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